2 Mei 2013


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, 

Good morning and best wishes for all of us, 
Attendees, participants of the ceremony were happy, 

Alhamdulillah, let us be ever grateful into the presence of Illahi Rabbi, God Yang Maha Esa, because thanks to grace and hidayah-His, we are all of still given the opportunity, strength, health, and love of so that we can carry out commemoration Education Day of National, May 2nd, 2013, inside a healthy state and full spirit. 

Through this warning, please allow me, on behalf of the Government would like to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to all employees of education, local government, organizations engaged in education and other stakeholders for any effort, care and attention given in developing world education. We pray in order that the figures and fighters education which have preceded us obtain the place who decent side of-His and us all of who at this time obtain amanah for manage education was given strength, intelligence, and patience in preparing generations future a better. 

In this opportunity, I would like to convey greeting "Congratulations Day National Education, dated May 2, 2013". Hopefully all the ikhtiar us for advancing the world of education become increasingly qualified and access to education for the people of Indonesia as a whole increasingly an open and can be immediately materialize. 

Upper behalf of Ministry of of Education and Culture, please allow me delivered an apology as sincerely as-of his sincere top of issue of organization of National Exam Levels SMA are equal years of lesson 2012/2013. This case we must make a very valuable lesson in providing educational services to the community. 

Attendees were happy, 
Like the body, to be resistant to various diseases, immunity power must be increased, one of the efforts is through vaccination. In a social perspective, there are three very large social ills negative impact: (i) poverty, (ii) ignorance, and (iii) retardation civilized. 

How do I increase resistance (immunity) to avoid a third social kinds of disease? The answer is education. Therefore, education can be a social vaccine. Aside from being a social vaccine, education is also a social elevator to improve social status. 

Two things that the underlying theme of this year's National Education Day, which is "Improving Quality and Access to Justice". We need a vaccine and the social elevator so we avoid the three diseases and also to improve the social status. The theme is a reflection of the answer to the challenges, problems, and aspirations of the community in setting up a better generation. 

Educational services should can be reach out to entire layers of society in accordance with the principle educational for all (Education for All) without distinguish the origins, social status, economic, and cantonal. Attendees were happy, the 1945 Constitution mandates that every citizen has the right to basic education and the state is obligated to finance it (Article 31, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1945 Constitution). Therefore, the central and local governments together with the community has been trying to fulfill the mandate through the construction of schools throughout Indonesia, including in the area of ​​3T (frontier, outer, and left behind). 

Access to education is affected by the availability and affordability of education unit financing. For that, the government continues to constantly prepare availability educational unit who decent, especially in regions 3T, including in it delivery of teachers' through program Bachelor Educate in regions 3T (SM3T). In terms of affordability government has set up the School Operational Assistance (BOS) for primary and secondary education, Operational Support State University (BOPTN), Help Poor Students (BSM), Shutter Mission and Scholarship. 

In 2013, has prepared a budget of Rp 7.8 trillion for BSM. During that, since two years last, has been was opened several public universities (including the Academy Community) in regions the border and in the some regions which assessed strategic. Besides being a center of excellence to the spread of the college, also acts as a safety belt for social and political integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. To that, had been prepared policy-special opportunity for sons-daughter Papua, Papua West, and regions 3T another to become student in various universities best in Indonesia through program affirmations higher education (afirmasi pendidikan tinggi-ADIK). 

In this occasion anyway I would like to invite to the all the lover the world of education for the together-together opened the posko anti drop out (DO) or anti drop out school in early year later lessons. We want to make sure in order that our children can continue their education to pursue higher degrees, especially from basic education level to medium sized. 

Attendees were happy, 
As part of efforts to improve the quality of education, Insha Allah start the school year 2013/2014 will be applied Curriculum 2013 for primary education and secondary gradual and limited. Gradually, means the curriculum is not implemented in all classes at all levels, but only in class 1 (one) and grade 4 (four) for the elementary school level, and grade 7 (seven) for junior high, and grade 10 (ten) for SMA and SMK . 

Limited means that the number of schools that implement tailored to the level of school readiness. Curriculum 2013 is designed to produce graduates who have the knowledge competencies, skills, and attitudes as a whole. This is important in order to anticipate the needs of competence 21st century and prepare the next generation of gold in 2045. 

Attendees were happy, 
Finally, let us increase the effort and sincerity us in providing educational services to the community. I offer my congratulations commemorate Education Day of National to the all educators, educational personnel, learners, instigators of and lovers of world of education in throughout land of water. Hopefully what which we are doing in the world of education during this, became part of the charity of worship us. Amen. 

Thank you. 
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, 

Jakarta, May 2, 2013 
Minister of Education and Culture 

Mohammad Nuh 

souce : kemdikbud

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