1 Mei 2013

Briefly Adsense Tips

Blog what are you using? wordpress, blogspot, drupal, bBlog, sBlog or blogs engine who another? because ways its application vary according to every type of blog. But of all types of blogs that exist, blogs which most suitable for Adsense is Wordpress and Blogspot (one of one child companies google).

To the application of adsense on Blogspot is very easy, because indeed already provided special module for it, or you also could improvise through Javascript Module, because adsense code which will will apply indeed-formatted java script, whereas on wordpress you need to a little (only a little) effort for put up unit adsense, this a brief explanation for both of them, if this does not fit to you may be useful for comrade who another:

Blogspot / Blogger:

Open the blog your, then login (click in right-top of the screen), after you entered into Blog Dashboard click Layout. which will bring the you to the module layout editor.

In Here you must specify the position of adsense who you want, Saran: The entire adsense publisher probably already know the best position for unit adsense who will produce a CTR who highest, namely: (1) Just below the Header, use 468x15 or 468 x 60 (2) in peak of block next door the left, you've got option 125x125, 160x600 or 120x600 (3) in inside article on its position next to left upper.

Note the, you may only place a 3 adsense unit on every page.

You could see the way their placement on Blog new my in http://webevolution.blogspot.com

Find format and sizes who corresponding, try color which accordance with theme of blog your and let it color of LINK remain blue, is later will be very influential on CTR your, you should not use other colors, but when problem the beauty of also become major consideration your, use color which fused with theme of blog your.

On layout editor, you will see respective positions-respective block module, and at left above will've encountered the block transparent 'Add a Page Element', click and screens choice elements of blog will be open, select the module Adsense with clicking on the 'Add to blog 'in beneath it, nah on the screen setting unit adsense which open you could experiment with format size and color, of course you also must insert' adsense account id 'your, after determine format the appropriate click' save changes' and unit adsense you are ready to print money for you. 'Drag' unit adsense new you into position which you want.

To put the unit adsense in under header, use the 'add a page element' in footer and after finished drag into position tertatas in above the module Blog Post.

When you requires identification 'channel' for analyze effectiveness from respective-respective unit, then you need to make a adsense code in the site 'google.com / adsense' and include the code channel in it, then code adsense who you input through module 'HTML / JavaScript ', instead of module' adsense '. Code adsense which will you get roughly the with format like at below this:

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